This framed original piece was named Lucia, after the Latin word ‘Lux’ meaning light. Lucia reaches for the light beneath her, because quite often we feel an impending doom by the darkness in front of us - such as the unknown of life after death. This piece is all about changing perspective and looking in unlikely places for that glimmer of hope, which is often right in front of us.
This framed original piece was named Lucia, after the Latin word ‘Lux’ meaning light. Lucia reaches for the light beneath her, because quite often we feel an impending doom by the darkness in front of us - such as the unknown of life after death. This piece is all about changing perspective and looking in unlikely places for that glimmer of hope, which is often right in front of us.
This framed original piece was named Lucia, after the Latin word ‘Lux’ meaning light. Lucia reaches for the light beneath her, because quite often we feel an impending doom by the darkness in front of us - such as the unknown of life after death. This piece is all about changing perspective and looking in unlikely places for that glimmer of hope, which is often right in front of us.